Increase your Sexual Energy: The Ultimate Guide

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If you work on how to increase your sexual energy, there will be more energy to transmute into genius. That is the idea behind this article. This energy should be plentiful present in your body, since transmuting sexual energy into creative genius can only take place if there is abundant sexual energy in you in the first place. The more sexual energy there is available to you the more can be transmuted in favor of other pursuits. Increasing the available sexual energy is then a prerequisite for a successful sexual transmutation.

And that is where this guide is all about.

I have compiled all the best practices on increasing sexual energy into this post. These best practices are taken from my experience, scientific evidence and occasional anecdotal evidence. I have divided these practices in dietary, bodily and mental. I suggest that every week you pick one from this list and add it to your habits. Enjoy!


Increase your Sexual Energy: Dietary practices

Chew your food to a pulp
Chewing food is something that no one pays attention to. Too bad because the better you chew your food the easier the food will be on your the digestive system. Chewing increases energy and nutrient uptake from your food and as a result will increases your sexual energy. “Chew your food until you are not able to distinguish the different foods in your mouth anymore”. Better chewing=Better digestion=More sexual energy.

Mindful and relax eating
Never multitask while you are eating. Actually, never multitask in general, but that is a topic for a different post. Always keep your attention on your food, that way you extract the most energy from it. I have found this by intuition, but author Serge Kahili King mentioned almost the exact same thing in his book “Mastering your Hidden Self”:

Eating mechanically, i.e. while your attention and awareness are almost fully on something else like reading or watching TV, or conversation- will result in poor absorption of nutrients and/or more conversion of the food energy to fat. This means less Mana flow for daily use. (Mana is the Huna word for life energy/sexual energy- Sasha).

Earlier in that chapter he also mentioned that eating under any kind of stress results in less Mana extracted from the food. Some of you might be skeptical but science actually agrees with this. Your nervous system is comprised of the sympathetic and parasympathetic system. The latter one is often called the “Rest and Digest” system. Eating while you are in a sympathetic state is not a good idea and results in poor digestion.

Do not neglect any macro nutrients
My mother always says you can’t walk on one leg. Everyone agrees with that yet we see macro nutrients shunned over and over again in our society: Fat is BAD! No the carbs are evil! But it is the protein that destroys your kidneys! And so on.

While it is true that one can survive without carbohydrates (not true for fats and protein!), eliminating any one macro nutrient is not the smartest approach. Even if it is not harmful for your body, it is still a tax on your body that robs you from energy.

What I have found to be the best ratio for abundant (sexual) energy is enough protein to retain muscle mass, and plenty of carbs and fat to fuel your activities and your sexuality. This often results in around 20% protein and the rest equally divided between fat and carbs. Not surprisingly, these ratios are found to increase testosterone in men.

Eat like a caveman
Fats, Cholesterol, Protein, Zinc, Phytonutrients, Complex Carbs, Omega 3. These are your friends. Wonder where to get them? Eat these:

Eggs. Liver. Bone broth. Bone marrow. Butter. Red meat. Green vegetables. Fatty Fish. Raw Milk. Sourdough Bread. Potatoes & Yams. FruitsAvoid these: sugar, (white) grains, alcohol, vegetable oils, soy.

Eat plenty of food
Eating too little is the surest way to curb your sexual energy. This is very logical because Mother Earth would rather have you survive than to procreate. It is only after survival is taken care of that sex comes into play. So if you are not eating enough for survival, your sexual energy takes a hit.

What to do when you want to lose weight? Try to lose it very slow and focus on the right foods rather than restricting too much. You might also want to look into intermittent fasting.

Use the the 10% Rule. 
As with everything, but especially true in diet, trying to be perfect will stress you out to the max. So do not try to be perfect, and have your favorite foods 10% of the time. This gives you a psychological break, reduces stress and increases your quality of life, and coincidentally gives various hormones a boost as well. Besides that, who doesn’t like ice cream?

Saturated Fat

Fats have gotten a bad rep over the years. Only in recent times are we slowly reversing the stance on dietary fats. This however is still very controversial and many people still think that fat is bad for you. Nothing could be further from the truth. Fat is a clean source of fuel for the body, is necessary for the building of hormones, and actually protects us from a lot of diseases.

There are a lot of different types of fat, and I do not want to go into too much detail here so I will just leave it at this:

1. Get more Omega 3 fats in your diet
2. Eat more saturated fat.

If you want to read more about the second one, I highly recommend Tim Ferriss’ article: 7 Reasons to eat more saturated fat.

Go Sunbathing
Getting exposed to direct sunlight is one of the most beneficial things to do to increase your health, vitality and sexual prowess. You get a nice tan which makes you look better and your body converts the radiant energy of the sun into vitamin D. Do you know what the D stands for? It stands for Doping

Just kidding (mostly). Almost nothing is as potent as vitamin D to take your energy to the next level. Athletes perform better with higher vitamin D levels. Your sex hormones go up (ever noticed how much more horny everyone is in the summer?), calcium metabolism and so on. If you live somewhere there is not a lot of natural sunlight, move to another country. Or supplement daily with 5000 IE of this.

Eat the rainbow
Eat the rainbow is often used in the fitness & health community to stress the importance of eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Not only the handful that you are familiar with but all shapes and forms. So eat everything with the colors of the rainbows. That way you ensure that your body gets all kinds of good vitamins, phyto nutrients, and enzymes.


Bodily practices

Abstain from ejaculation.
No matter how much energy your build up, if you are dissipating it multiple times per week then there is really no point in trying to increase your energy in the first place. Try not to ejaculate for a week or two and you will notice a drastic increase in your energy levels without doing anything else from this list. If you have been ejaculating regularly over the past few years I would suggest you try to abstain for 30 days straight.

Breathe right.
Learn to breath correctly, not this shallow breathing that we all do. Focus on getting air deep into your diaphragm, hold it for a few seconds and then release slowly. Your abdomen must expand instead of your chest, then you know you are doing it right. This type of breathing relaxes you, provides ample oxygen for energy production.

Eliminate stress.
Become an expert in relaxation. Learn to completely relax your body AND your mind. Relax your body by consciously focusing your attention on every muscle group and “command” it to relax even more. You will notice that there are a lot of muscles tense all the time. Over time you will learn to relax the muscles in your body at will, and in a relaxed body it is impossible to feel strong emotions.

Get your posture right
Researchers have found that the way your carry yourself directly affects your body chemistry and the way you feel. Dana Carney from Columbia University and Amy Cuddy from Harvard University have found that power poses (think superman) really do make one feel powerful.

What is even more surprising though is that power poses directly affected hormone levels in the body! Testosterone increased (which is in my opinion directly linked to your sexual
energy) and cortisol (also called the stress hormone) decreased. Make it an habit to always have a impeccable posture: Stand tall, chest held high, don’t gaze to the ground and keep your spine erect.

When sitting do the same and sit in an expanding way, take up some space. If you want to read more about this, check out the summary of the study here.


A lack of sleep destroys your energy levels. Sleep is vital for the repair of both mind and body, synthesizing hormones and to restoring yourself. Get at least 8 hours of sleep of good quality. My grandmother always said that 1 hour of sleep before twelve counts for 2. It sounds strange but it is totally true.

Exercise every day
Daily exercise is one of the most effective ways to increase your energy and your sexuality to a whole new level. Adopt the mindset that the more energy you spend, the more energy you will have available to you. Adhere to a strict routine of heavy strength training one day and doing more airobic/sports training the other day. This will lead to more health, attractiveness and sexy time.

Get a sixpack
Being overweight has such a negative effect that I should have put losing weight twice in this article. There are a variety of reasons why body fat is so detrimental to your sexual energy:

1. It negatively effects your hormone levels.
2. It makes you less attractive than you could be, so you get less sexual interaction with the opposite sex, which is a great way to lose sexual energy.
3. Activity is harder so you do less. Less activity means ultimately less energy, which means less activity and this cycle continues until you can’t get off the couch anymore.

So if you are overweight start by moving more, making better food choices (see dietary practices) and get your body right.

Psychological practices

Self talk
Do you have this nagging voice in your head that says that you can’t, won’t, shouldn’t? A voice telling yourself that you are tired? Asking you why this is always happening to you? That voice will drain you dry if you listen to it. Stop taking that voice seriously. Be aware of it, smile, and live your life.

If you need more help getting rid of that voice, don’t worry the last point in this post solve that.

Be a winner
Research has shown that winning causes an increase of testosterone levels in tennis players. The curious thing is that testosterone not only increased after the win, but it also increased before the next match!

Now I hear you thinking “Well I am not a tennis player”. True, but winning you can incorporate a will. Celebrate even the smallest accomplishments as big wins and your body will not notice the difference. Read more about it here.

Interact with and touch the opposite sex.
Our society teaches us to behave professionally in dealings with the opposite sex. There is only one problem with it. It is STUPID. Whether we like it or not we are sexual creatures and the opposite sex EXCITES us. And this chemistry should not be ignored by “being professional” because the opposite sex is actually one of the biggest sources of energy and inspiration on the planet.

So the next time you deal with someone of the other gender, don’t behave professional. Smile, make eye contact, be yourself and have a good time. Be polite and a gentle man/woman, but flirt and acknowledge your attraction. When done with good intentions the person you interact with will be asdelighted as will you be!

Finally, the last and most important one:

Live in the present moment and practice mindfulness.
When I started my first “real” job after graduating university, I was in for a harsh surprise. The job was really demanding and tough on me and felt a lot of anxiety and stress. It drained my energy, I had no interest in sex and I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning. 6 months later, the job is almost a breeze. What changed? I became more present according to Eckhart Tolle, the author of “The Power of Now”.

Funny thing is that I have had the book for quite a few years, but it never clicked for me, until recently. The basic premise of the book is that our suffering (in my case stress and anxiety) is caused by the mind wandering from the present moment. My mind drifted off to thoughts of how much there still was to do (future), deadlines that I must meet (future), doubting whether my knowledge was enough (past), and so on. Everything instead of focusing on the task at hand.

I have noticed this pattern in almost all instances where I were feeling bad, uneasy or overwhelmed. Instead of being present, the mind drifts and as a result causes these negative emotions. I could go on and on about this (and maybe I will in a future post) but for now I highly recommend checking out his book and his YouTube channel. If you do not get anything else but this from this post, then it is still a success. Below you can find perhaps my favorite video of Eckhart Tolle:


There is a lot to gain from this post, but I do not expect you to immediately apply everything from this list. Start with something that feels right for you and see what it does for you. Feel the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) changes in your energy and in your life. Remember that even tiny changes can produce dramatic results if given enough time.

Oh, and do not to forget to let me know how it goes in the comments!



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